OMG, Grandpa <3s Gaga: Senior citizen dances to Pokerface
Can I do two posts about Lady Gaga in one day? Well shit, I can do whatever I want! This morning we learned that Our…
Can I do two posts about Lady Gaga in one day? Well shit, I can do whatever I want! This morning we learned that Our…
Maybe it was because she was performing at Elton John’s party, but Lady Gaga’s British accent (by way of MADGE) is stronger than ever! How…
Lady Gaga drawing inspiration from Madonna‘s vast catalog isn’t anything new, but this video mash-up highlights how much better Madonna did… well, everything. Am I…
Cue the hateration/adoration, depending on which way you’re inclined! Lady Gaga showed up at her sister’s graduation looking like Raiden from Mortal Kombat on his…
Oh haaaayyyyy, have you seen the Alejandro video yet? If not, here it is! As with all of Our Lady of the Gaga’s videos, there’s…
Lady Gaga has a new British accent and hates Don’t Ask Don’t Tell! But really who cares what she’s talking about when Our Lady of…
Well, 2012’s barreling toward us like a Mayan snake-bird-God on fire, and you know what that means: APOCALYPSE! Yes, the End Times are coming, which…