OMG, some cops ticketed a car which was actually made of snow, and left this note…
Oops! So lifelike, even the po-po were fooled! See what happened which a cheeky neighbourhood prankster created a full-sized replica of a DeLorean DMC-12 (the…
Oops! So lifelike, even the po-po were fooled! See what happened which a cheeky neighbourhood prankster created a full-sized replica of a DeLorean DMC-12 (the…
!! omg blog !! is proud to present The Twink Rage Revue, a new monthly comic strip by Eric Kostiuk Williams (@kostiukwilliams). The series, exclusive…
Poking holes in what they say are traditional gender stereotypes, The Merb’ys decided to cut a calendar featuring their bearded mermaid bawdies! Ursula the Sea…
mother! AKA “Big Momma’s House 3” is on the chopping block for this month’s HONEST TRAILER! Check it out above! So good. (WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD)
We’ve all been there! Stuck on a RyanAir flight wayyyy longer than we need to be! But a passenger on a Ryanair flight to Spain…
Find the full shoot of Drag Race alumna Milk hanging around in his butt floss after the jump! Are you afraid of clowns?
Sit back and let this calming compilation of the years most satisfying moments wash over your eyes and ears and lull you into paradise!