!! Film !!

OMG, free movie: Slacker Uprising

In 2004, Michael Moore visited 60 cities in 20 battleground states to promote the Democratic Party. Though it didn’t work and Bush still won his…

OMG, is there a God?: Religulous

Bill Maher’s film Religulous comes out on Friday. The film follows Maher as he questions religion and religious followers. Maher, however, is not an atheist…

OMG, pretty: Bubbles

Having a stressful day? Don’t want to be back at work? Watch this guy play with these bubbles filmed at 250 frames per second.

OMG, a Q&A with Bruce LaBruce

After premiering at Sundance way back in January, Canadian filmmaker/photographer Bruce LaBruce‘s latest feature film Otto; or, Up with Dead People finally makes its way…

OMG, the trailer: Milk

Gus Van Sant’s film about gay political icon Harvey Milk will be in theatres in November. In the meantime here is the trailer to keep…

OMG, a classic: Mannequin 2

Why watch all two hours of the sequel to Mannequin when you can get all the important parts in 11 minutes? Actually, the 11 minutes…