OMG, WATCH: Emil has ‘got to tell ya’!
He’s in control of his life and is tired of people judging! Check out Brian Jordan Alvarez as EMIL above!
He’s in control of his life and is tired of people judging! Check out Brian Jordan Alvarez as EMIL above!
Finally! The TRUE healing powers of crystals are finally revealed in full! Check them out after the jump! Which is your go-to?
Watch Kevin find out! That Amy is such a prankster — but at least Kevin looks fierce!
View this post on Instagram Pete and Beto clash on Halloween plans A post shared by steven phillips-horst (@buddha_ph) on Oct 30, 2019 at 8:22am…
Something witchy this way comes! It’s S.A.D. aka SUSAN & DENISE‘s very spooky Halloween episode featuring a chilling and repulsive tale to get you in…
Based on a Stephen King novel that Stanley Kubrick threw in the trash, it’s The Shining! Check out HONEST TRAILERS’ treatment above! Happy Halloween!
Are you tiring of the Halloween franchise? Bored of seeing Jamie Lee one more time!? Check out ‘Halloween, Except the Knife is 50 Feet Long’…