OMG, here’s some warped faces of Olympic figure skaters in-action to help start your week off right
Their ‘O face’ stands for OLYMPIC! Check out a full gallery of all the best figure skatin’ faces in-action after the jump!
Their ‘O face’ stands for OLYMPIC! Check out a full gallery of all the best figure skatin’ faces in-action after the jump!
This actually looks pretty good! The film is directed by McCarthy‘s husband Ben Falcone, and also stars Maya Rudolph so with any luck, they’ll go…
They’re not all just bookworms and old maids! Librarians have fun too – within their means! Check out a gallery of the best librarian pranks…
And here’s a gallery to prove it! Some of these are GOLD! Check it out after the jump!
Migos and Cardi B are doing it for the culture! Check out Vic Berger‘s rub on some recent Cardi/Migos craziness!
The Queens of All Stars 3 react to shade thrown on Season 2 of Drag Race! For Vanity Fair, darling! If they’re not careful, they’ll…
Careful not to make Lindsay relevant again, Kim! Check out what Kardashian had to say when Lohan came for her “Bo Derek braids”. Find it…