OMG, she tells it like it is: Riskay
What do you do when you think your man might be cheating? You could talk it out, or… Do as Riskay (The Drama Queen) does….
What do you do when you think your man might be cheating? You could talk it out, or… Do as Riskay (The Drama Queen) does….
In light of the recent Hannity and Colmes debate about a Wisconsin mother being arrested for teaching her 11-year-old about sex, this montage of porny…
Rachel Axler (pictured above standing next to a giant, inflatable rat), a writer for The Daily Show, has liveblogged the Writers Guild protests for The…
Even crunking is adorable when it’s done by six-year-olds. Watch the kid in the front inch towards the camera. He is destined to be a…
Cartwheel around the world, but don’t expect people to wait for you to get back.
Some smart guy has re-worked Jaws as a heartwarming family drama with homosexual undertones. RELATED: Mary Poppins horror
My new favorite niche blog is “men who look like old lesbians.” The phenomenon seems to be common among rock musicians and radio hosts. Here…