OMG, Dog Looks Like a Tiger: Chinese dogs dyed to resemble zoo animals
The Daily Mail reports that a new craze is sweeping China: custom dyeing your canine companions to look like more exotic animals! This tiger’s cute…
The Daily Mail reports that a new craze is sweeping China: custom dyeing your canine companions to look like more exotic animals! This tiger’s cute…
Poor Mrs. The Countess Luann De Lesseps! She’s taken her Klassy Karaoke drag extravagaaaaanza on the road, and even the interns on the local news…
… and you don’t even want to know what happened when they spilled a bottle of Astroglide!
Kids today seriously have too much time on their hands! (Seriously though this is f*ckin cool.) [Via Boing Boing]
Republican candidate for US Senate’s main credentials for public office are driving Hewlett Packard into the ground as an executive and getting fired by John…
Take note, ladies. Jiapers are the new jeggings. (via Twitter)
Who will win this epic battle? Kitten or reflection of kitten? (via SNP)