OMG Dolly’s boobs go on strike

Dolly Parton had to cancel her upcoming tour on doctor’s orders. Apparently her boobies are making her back hurt and she has been ordered to…

OMG how deceptive: Cute animals

Think those guys up there are cute? Well, they’re also poisonous, violent, and sex-crazed. CLICK HERE to read about duck-billed platypus venom, territorial monkeys, and…

OMG we were robbed: The Grammys

I think last night was the first time I watched a whole Grammy Awards Show without getting frustrated, bored, and just changing the channel. I…

OMG he’s naked: Jamie Bell

First made famous for his role in Billy Elliot, Jamie Bell bares his butt in 2007’s “Hallam Foe.” Jamie is also starring alongside Hayden Christensen…