OMG, mmmmmmmm: Lauren Bacall
This is what happens to you if you drink too much coffee before bedtime. (via Puntabulous)
This is what happens to you if you drink too much coffee before bedtime. (via Puntabulous)
Yes, this is a picture of a very cute humongous cat, but what makes it more special is that it’s ART. It’s included in Nathan…
Brigitte Nielsen e la liposuzioneby Virgilio-Musica You might remember actress Brigitte Nielsen from such movies as Red Sonja or such television programs as The Surreal…
(via Rob Thurman)
It has just been announced that fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld will be designing 80 “Chanel homes” on Dubai’s new Isla Moda (Fashion Island) in partnership…
Looking at these side-by-sides makes me wonder more than I have already about Ryan Gosling‘s potential for starring in new movie genres. His resemblance to…
Italian actor Massimo Poggio can currently be seen in the miniseries Zodiaco on Italian channel Raidue, but he won’t be flashing nearly as much skin…