Go surfing in Montreal

You don’t need an ocean to be a bad-ass surfer in Canada. You just need the standing wave in the St. Lawrence River behind Habitat…

OMG, he’s gay: Dumbledore

The photo above is proof: High Wizard Albus Dumbledore has come out of the closet! Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling revealed over the weekend that…

OMG, how computer literate: Kittens

Maybe this is what happened to my laptop… Kitten attack! It’s still out of commission, but will hopefully be up tomorrow (Kinko’s is killing me).

OMG, it’s broken: My laptop

Hey everybody, I’m out of town with a broken laptop. I’m typing this at Kinko’s, where I’m probably getting ebola virus from touching the filthy…

OMG, how cool: New Fergie video

Fergie? Cool? How is this possible? Her video is a pop-up book, that’s why. Watch and you will see, but press “mute” so the song…

OMG, how cute: Viscacha

It looks like sort of like a rabbit, but it’s HUGE and it has really long whiskers. No, it’s not a were-rabbit, it’s a Viscacha….