OMG, how poopy: Diet pills
The first FDA-approved diet pill hit pharmacy shelves last week, and ladies can’t get enough, despite the fact that it makes you poop your pants….
The first FDA-approved diet pill hit pharmacy shelves last week, and ladies can’t get enough, despite the fact that it makes you poop your pants….
Joe Rogan, the cocky host of Fear Factor, has a secret: his amazing body! Watch a video after the jump of Joe masquerading as a…
Not only did the drugs make this cat clumsy, he now loves the camera! (via poeTV and Feyfriends)
Who knew that those sort of attractive sixteen-year-old dummies would mature into this? If you’re not offended by this photo of the Gotti boys at…
(Video source) The American military has fired 58 Arabic translators under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” since the start of the war in Iraq. I’m not…
Who knew that it was as easy as looking at the back of someone’s head to tell if they are a homo? It’s not actually…
“Remember kids: Don’t forget to get your twangers out and play with your balls.” (via Bad Shape)