OMG, it’s wood: Jildo

For all of you who believe it’s unsafe to stick anything made of wood into your butt/vagina, let the makers of the Jildo put your…

Michel Gondry shills HP computers

HP has taken a stab at competing with Apple on the “cool commercial” front. Since all I’ve seen from Apple lately are these supremely douchy…

Dog mother adopts kittens

What a touching story: In China a dog about 1 year old, some days ago found some little cats in the street, and she went…

Mormon punished for anti-gay slur

Recent high school graduate Rebekah Rice just finished trying to sue her school for the right to say “that’s so gay.” While the phrase is…

Xtina and mother

(Image Source) Christina Aguilera‘s mom seems like a nice lady, but they hardly look related. Xtina is so tan she could be Middle Eastern.