!! OMG, quote of the day: Guillermo del Tor talks scrapped Jabba The Hut Star Wars project he was working on !!

Guillermo del Toro has opened up a Star Wars project that he was working on for Lucasfilm before it fell through.

“We had the rise and fall of Jabba the Hutt, so I was super happy. We were doing a lot of stuff, and then it’s not my property, it’s not my money, and then it’s one of those 30 screenplays that goes away…”

He discussed the idea back in 2015 as something he would like to do; “I would do the sort of Godfather saga that Jabba the Hutt had to go through to gain control. One, because it’s the character that looks the most like me, and I like him. I love the idea of a Hutt type of mafia, a very complex coup. I just love the character.”

We LOVE this idea. AND love Guillermo’s sense of humour.

We wanna know about Jabba’s humble beginnings. His Jabba the SLUT era. His path toward power! George Lucas, you know what to do!

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1 Comment on "OMG, quote of the day: Guillermo del Tor talks scrapped Jabba The Hut Star Wars project he was working on"

  1. I don’t mind waiting for an ad or reading around ads, but you have ads now that cover text and even after waiting for them to play, they don’t allow you to close them. I’ve been coming to this blog for years, since before Frank and Anderson Pooper. I know you need to make money, but damn.

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