OMG, here’s why: RNC in Minneapolis
gay republicans It all makes sense now! But where does Sarah go when everyone’s in the bathroom? Via LADY BUNNY
gay republicans It all makes sense now! But where does Sarah go when everyone’s in the bathroom? Via LADY BUNNY
Only because of the classy show “Intervention” can we now see teen-aged pre-med drop-out duster-huffers getting high during a montage to Katrina & The Waves….
Genius. I like the bartender at 56 seconds on the right. It looks like Barack’s in both videos! Via LADY BUNNY
Thailand’s Kampang Secondary School has installed toilets for gender non-conforming students. The symbol for the bathroom is a half-boy half-girl hybrid. Read the full article…
This sign is so horrible but it made me laugh out loud. I’ll pay for that… Via LADY BUNNY
New York nightlife star Sophia Lamar has come out with a new single! “Sh**ty F***ot” tackles such important issues as gays with bad tribal tattoos…
Next time Miss Jackson wants to go out unnoticed I would suggest a more demure getup than the “Burn Victim/Paraplegic” combination. Via LADY BUNNY