OMG, how grating: TV Over Easy
Don’t get me wrong, I love my programs, but I don’t know if watching 50 hours of the tube a week and then making a…
Don’t get me wrong, I love my programs, but I don’t know if watching 50 hours of the tube a week and then making a…
I’m not sure I really like the philosophy of Barbie’s poopie pet dog, Tanner. You give him a suspiciously poopie-looking “food” pellet, then he poops…
Something about Ellen Degeneres always disarms her guests, and Anderson Cooper was no exception, even via satellite. She prods him into totally queening out over…
In this bizarre fitness segment of Live with Regis and Kelly, Kelly Ripa schools Anderson Cooper on how to “thigh dance” and do other pelvic-thrusting…
Are there lots of contortionists in Heaven? This 1984 intro to Italian Saturday night television program Al Paradise suggests “yes.” (Thanks for Brendan J. for…
The boys over at Fey Friends have put together a list of the Top Ten Feyest Viral Videos, like the classic “Weatherman Freaks Out” video…
For once, a great television show is coming to American television and they’re not remaking it with American actors! The amazing Australian show, Summer Heights…