!! TV !!

OMG, she’s 500: Martha Stewart

The Martha Stewart Show aired its 500th episode yesterday and to help celebrate, Conan O’Brien and Bill Clinton made guest appearances. I wonder if this…

OMG were they separated at birth?

Someone needs to fire the stylist who went overboard with the high-waisted pants on American Idol last night. It was too much. It all started…

OMG we’re officially passé: Gays

I worked for a woman who once said “If they’re doing it in commercials, it’s over.” There are these commercials here in Canada for some…

OMG, it’s back: Paradise Hotel

My favorite reality show of all time has returned for a second season after five long years!! Paradise Hotel 2 follows the same premise as…

OMG, how progressive: Scottish TV

Scottish primetime soap Tinsel Town had a racy intergenerational gay love story (involving a police officer and a high school student) that is highlighted here…

OMG poor Anderson

SOUP CANS has dug up this incredible clip of Anderson Cooper when he was on ABC World News Now. In this amazing TV carnage, a…