OMG, how talented: Raymond Crowe
Watch the amazing Raymond Crowe perform his “A Wonderful World” shadow puppet performance. I like when the little bunny is cleaning its ears.
Watch the amazing Raymond Crowe perform his “A Wonderful World” shadow puppet performance. I like when the little bunny is cleaning its ears.
It’s photos like this of John Edwards and Hillary Clinton’s faces melded together that remind me of the mysterious forces at work in our world….
Even getting hit in the face with a water balloon can become magical in super slo-mo. (via Cityrag)
Umbrella – Rihanna (lip dub in High Definition) from TP CMM on Vimeo. While I’m on the South East Asian video lip-synch train, I thought…
The script: Whitney Houston: “Oh, hey, Deb”Deborah Cox: “Hmm-hmm”W: “Thank you for being woman enough to come”D: “Whitney, what’s this about?” Cast 1: “Patricia Juleya…
Halloween is tomorrow and if you’re still stumped about a costume idea, maybe you should just be Amy Winehouse. As the girls over at Bellasugar…
This 1987 episode of Hour Magazine shows drag performer Jimmy James fully embodying Marilyn Monroe to the point that he talks exactly like her and…