OMG, dilated spectrum: CMYK bulbs
Holland-based designer Dennis Parren’s CMYK bulb[available with his accompanying pinhole lampshade, below] casts coloured shadows of cyan, magenta and yellow…well durrr. It consists of a…
Holland-based designer Dennis Parren’s CMYK bulb[available with his accompanying pinhole lampshade, below] casts coloured shadows of cyan, magenta and yellow…well durrr. It consists of a…
Whilst the other Sinead is busy ranting about the new pope and other such things Christian and the like, Sinead Harnett’s released her first solo…
Montreal-born Devon Halfnight LeFlufy’s work is as much of a mouthful as his namesake, and it is the kind of mouthful that you gorge on,…
Little Booties’ record is out “officially” [said through Detox’ blubber duck lips, loudly and firmly] next week, but here at omg we are feeling very…
What you just watched is the video for ‘Axis’, track number one of the Pet Shop Boys’ 12th Album entitled ‘Electric’, due out in mid…
I just “squeeeed” so hard my larynx fell out! I’m taking the day off work tomorrow to learn the magical sushi cat song [below] and…
Sometimes I watch an old Hollywood classic and I’m like, “erm honey he’s been staring at your pointy tatters for like an hour and a…