OMG, how barfy: Squeezable Bacon
I know it’s bacon but I really can’t see myself enjoying this: Vilhelm Lillefläsk’s Squeez Bacon is fully cooked 100% bacon. Due to the patented…
I know it’s bacon but I really can’t see myself enjoying this: Vilhelm Lillefläsk’s Squeez Bacon is fully cooked 100% bacon. Due to the patented…
The Nirvana of watermelons of course comes from Japan. First they did the PYRAMID watermelon, and of course there are square melons. The heart-shaped melons…
I love Cinnabon. I love Cinnabon so much. But I know some people who have a Coke with their Cimmy-bun and it makes me sick…
The curly-haired Mangalitsa pig hails from Hungary originally, and has recently been a hot commodity among trendy New York restaurateurs, as evidenced by this recent…
It’s a whole chicken in a can! Wait. Doesn’t chicken already come whole without having to be stuffed in a can? Can’t I go to…
The people over at BACONSALT, whose mission is to make everything taste like bacon, have gone so far as to create a bacon-flavoured lube. I’m…
First of all it’s delicious. Also it’s healthy. And now it can be used to heal your wounds. Is there anything bacon can’t do? Get…