!! Fashion !!

OMG don’t get mad

Hey girlfriends! I’m back! Just till Friday, so don’t get too angry. Frank had to go away this week and so here I am again!…

OMG forget fashion week

Check out these amazing knits from ENGLISH RUSSIA. And sorry about the server issues! I think it’s POUNDSTONE’S REVENGE!


LYNN & HORST have uncovered the photography of Toyin. Well, they didn’t really discover her. She worked on a campaign for McQueen a couple years…

OMG cycle 5000: ANTM

The pics of the models on the next cycle of ANTM came out a couple weeks ago. I’m a bit slow on the uptake for…

OMG: Hot model, fun clothes

I came across PLAIN GRAVY clothing on my friend Tim’s DEL.ICIO.US blog. There are only a few pics up but the clothes are fun and…