OMG, A Spammy Christmas Miracle

This story has it all: spam, cute British boys, Nigerians, a briefcase full of $$, and a heartwarmingly O Henryish ending! What more could one…

OMG, Cutest Animals of 2009!

Because it is the end of the year, my job as your host of OMG Blog is obvs to make lots and lots of end-of-the-year…

OMG, Celebrity Marriage Crisis

Have yourself a very Mary J. Christmas! Start by punching your husband in the face! Although Page Six reports that Mary J. Blige recently assaulted…

OMG, The Reason For The Season!

EIT HOLIDAY SPECIAL PART 6: Jesus! from Everything Is Terrible on Vimeo. No it’s not CELEBRITY PENIS! It’s Christ our savior. (I prefer celebrity penis…

OMG, Bad Santa!

The economy forces Santa Claus to turn to crime in order to support his expensive gift-giving habit. (Via The Awl.)