OMG, Dubai loves Butt
Artist and OMG buddy Brendan Fernandes recently had his copy of Butt Magazine stolen during a customs inspection at the Dubai airport. No explanation was…
Artist and OMG buddy Brendan Fernandes recently had his copy of Butt Magazine stolen during a customs inspection at the Dubai airport. No explanation was…
Just in time for Christmas, Barbie is releasing a special Ladies of the ’80s series, featuring Barbie versions of Debbie Harry, Cyndi Lauper, and Joan…
“Jiz is about to teach the kids what is up” according to the YouTube page for this demented video. Jem fans beware: This might scar…
I’ve never flipped out for David Duchovny the way some people have, but he showed his ass on Californication last night, and I have to…
This genius site asks you to type in any old sentence, and will then sing it back to you, using clips from popular music. Even…
These are the sorts of signs I always wish I had the time and the cardboard and Sharpie marker to write. (via Cityrag)
The Onion‘s Raw Justice program gets inside the mind of a man who sets fire for his own perverse pleasure. Whoever wrote the script for…