OMG, how concerned: Bobby Trendy

In case you didn’t hear, Britney Spears is in the hospital under suicide watch after a mysterious drug-induced “custody” dispute last night. First on the…

‘Mary Poppins’ reworked

I don’t think I remember this scene in the original version of Disney’s Mary Poppins. Or maybe I just didn’t understand it when I was…

OMG, how cute: Upside-down kitty

You might this adorable Japanese kitty is dead except for his occasional lethargic, complainy meow when his mommy pokes him with her fabulous fingernail.

OMG, his butt: Enrique Iglesias

Singer Enrique Iglesias is as prudish about getting naked as he is coy about his sexuality. I believe he’s straight, for the record, but that…