OMG Janet Catson
Okay kids, I’m done for realz this time. Thanks to Frank for trusting me with his blog, and to all you loyal OMG readers for…
Okay kids, I’m done for realz this time. Thanks to Frank for trusting me with his blog, and to all you loyal OMG readers for…
The Guardian has put up THIS SLIDESHOW of images comparing satellite images from the 70s to images taken since the turn of the century. The…
Have you ever been curious about what the person you’re having phone-sex with really looks like? Well if you’re lucky, they could turn out to…
These pictures of a “Slow Loris” eating a nanner make me uncomfortable. Maybe it’s cause the creature looks like it lives up to its name…
Michael Bay, the rich asshole who directed “Transfomers”, “Armageddon”, and “Bad Boys” (1 and 2) apparently has his production company revving up to remake Rosemary’s…
I love this ad by “Presidential Candidate” Gerald Polley that “slams” Hillary Clinton for her evil liberal stance. Here are some of the beautiful, insightful,…
British documentarian LOUIS THEROUX has recently released his documentary called “Behind Bars”. In this one hour film, Louis documents the two weeks he spent with…