Racial slur ends porn star’s career
This news report by The Onion is hilarious, but hardly far-fetched. Fictional porn star Jennica Foxx utters the “N” word and her career is over….
This news report by The Onion is hilarious, but hardly far-fetched. Fictional porn star Jennica Foxx utters the “N” word and her career is over….
At FreeRice.com, you play a simple word game and for each correct response, the site’s advertisters donate 20 grains of rice to the United Nations…
Give a straight man some alcohol and bestiality is the only thing on his mind. Imagine if straight people were allowed to marry each other!…
Round 8 of the Gay Bloggies is here and we wrote about the most important moments of 2007! Mine discusses a personal epyphany I had…
This big goth guy is Nicholas Cage‘s son Weston Coppola Cage and that scary blonde lady is the baby momma Christina Fulton! How did I…
The Huffington Post has obtained letters that land Republican Presidential nominee Mike Huckabee in a big heap of trouble. In 1999, when Huckabee was governor…
Alexandre Albertoni used to be in the Brazilian boy band Dominó, but he must have fallen on hard times as he’s now posting nude for…