OMG, WATCH: President Obama’s farewell speech in Chicago
A monumental moment in American history, and President Obama’s words could not be more eloquent or well-placed. Check out the President’s last speech to the…
A monumental moment in American history, and President Obama’s words could not be more eloquent or well-placed. Check out the President’s last speech to the…
BINGO! Meryl Streep nailed it last night at The Golden Globes, taking Trump to task for his hateful behaviour. Check it out above. What a…
“Let me quote somebody who I suspect I will not often be quoting,” Sanders said while speaking about planned GOP changes to ObamaCare. On May…
..only the top names in the business! A class act! Hopefully they take this line-up on tour after, because if they did I would throw…
These ladies have their reasons for voting for the Angry Yam, and surprisingly it’s not because any of them are blind, or deaf! What motivates… Yee-haw! He really puts it all into the most eloquent words imaginable! Check out what he has to express above! Do you agree?
Two bleached assholes in ONE free video! Check it out above!