OMG, watch the new Björk video plus much more Björk-related news
A lot has been happening in the world of Icelandic pop icon Björk of late. Not only is she working on a top secret new…
A lot has been happening in the world of Icelandic pop icon Björk of late. Not only is she working on a top secret new…
Now this is my kind of activism! In punishment for Target’s pokerfaced financial support of evil secessionist homophobes, a bunch of wacky queer radicals by…
The Republican Party: Party of busty, blonde hos. The Democratic Party: Party of hairy, scary dykes! At least that’s what the Minnesota Republican Party wants…
Gay brides in California lace up your Nikes and get ready to race over to the chapel to put a ring on it! Judgey Godmother…
Levi Johnston, the nearly-nude First Babydaddy of Alaska, is back up to his old tricks again. The Northern cutie’s tireless quest for publicity since the…
The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The teeny-peened idiots from gay republican outfit GOProud are having their annual sad convention and not only have they invited homophobic bitch/notorious self-proclaimed fag hag…