!! Revolutionary !!

iPod karaoke

Imagine turning your entire music collection into a performance opportunity. The new iKaraoke device may finally be enough to convince me to buy one of…

OMG, how balanced: Omegas

Fish, flax seeds, fortified eggs: the health benefits of all these things have been trumpeted on labels and in articles for the past few years…

Key West Fantasy Fest

The folks in Key West take Halloween very seriously and even give it another name: Fantasy Fest, which is really more than a day’s celebration….

Ba-Donka-Donk Mouse

Although it’s just a “concept design” at this point, I think the revolutionary “ba-donka-donk mouse” could change the way we think about computing. The surface…

Nancy Grace is big

Oh no he didn’t! A caller did not just call into the show of the Great Moralizer, Nancy Grace, and call her a “big bitch.”…