OMG gossip: Get ready, Britney is coming
Brazilian teens reenacting Britney Spears‘s “Womanizer” video take it to a strange place [made in brazil] And Britney takes her concert dress to a place…
Brazilian teens reenacting Britney Spears‘s “Womanizer” video take it to a strange place [made in brazil] And Britney takes her concert dress to a place…
Jay Leno and Martha Stewart talk dirty to each other on TV [bwe] Larry King the viking [cityrag] The formerly adorable Haley Joel Osment is…
Madonna has met an obstacle in her quest to adopt all of Africa [celebitchy] Britney Spears and Madonna appear onstage together during what is apparently…
Did Will Smith hire a male prostitute instead of a female one? [flawed hollywood] The Republican party just spent $150,000 buying Sarah Palin new clothes….
Katy Perry doesn’t just fall on stage, she does it with cake [popoholic] Sen. Joe Biden comes out against Proposition 8. Applause. [queerty] Elizabeth Hasselbeck…
Madonna and Guy Ritchie are officially no longer married [webster’s is my bitch] Could Avril Lavigne be next? [idwyl] Courteney Cox and Demi Moore are…
Madonna fell on her booty while performing in Portugal on the 14th of this month. Can you imagine if she got hurt and what she…