OMG, How Amazing: A double rainbow
Some camping dude in Yosemite spies a double-rainbow. Hilarity ensues!
Some camping dude in Yosemite spies a double-rainbow. Hilarity ensues!
Now that the Fourth of July is finally over, no might be a good time to put the patriotism aside and remind ourselves of the…
It’s funny because it’s old!
Experience the Twilight Saga in beautiful 8-bit graphics, featuring sophisticated Choose Your Own Adventure style gameplay! It’ll save you a trip to the movies! [Via…
In a boxers-or-briefs moment for our times, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan demurred on the all important Team Jacob or Team Edward question asked in…
The Log Cabin Republicans gave away these special Drill Baby Drill condoms at Twin Cities Pride, citing “the spirit of pride” as their inspiration: “This…
You might have heard that Germany creamed England in the World Cup soccer thingy this weekend! Even if you weren’t watching the game, you probably…