‘Les petits cochons’
This probably-NSFW French German short film is a clever illustration of the perils of having gay sex in your parents’ house. No wonder Europeans always…
This probably-NSFW French German short film is a clever illustration of the perils of having gay sex in your parents’ house. No wonder Europeans always…
(Image Source) Look how tall Lourdes is getting! She and mom Madonna are seen here walking around Malawi where Madonna is lending her name to…
This Japanese commercial for Maxell cassettes showcases the zany charisma of George Michael and the other guy from Wham! Can’t you feel the heady rush…
From the land of the Kama Sutra comes Makin’ Vindaloo, an “erotic” (but totally safe for work) musical with many themes, including piles of hay,…
The Japanese really know good television. I seriously can’t breathe from laughing so hard. I… can’t… *gasp* (Thanks to Kristen for the tip!)
You all know that I love me some crazy Ukrainians, but I think drag queen Verka Seduchka is the wackiest yet. Her shtick is that…
Chinese designer D Park was obviously inspired by the Twi’leks of the Star Wars universe when designing his Fall 2007 collection, recently shown during Beijing…