OMG gossip: Taylor Lautner’s gay turn
OMG Taylor Lautner goes gay! [popbytes] Dina Lohan is selling off her used stuff on the Internet to make some quick $$$ [dlisted] OMG Hugh…
OMG Taylor Lautner goes gay! [popbytes] Dina Lohan is selling off her used stuff on the Internet to make some quick $$$ [dlisted] OMG Hugh…
OMG Tiger Woods nude photos? [bitten] Madonna has purchased all of the Hamptons [l.a. rag mag] OMG what do you think of Taylor Swift‘s new…
What hath Levi Johnston wrought!? It seems that posing nude is now beside the point for wannabe celebutrash. Why actually show your penis when you…
Daniel Radcliffe will appear nude in the final Harry Potter film for those who haven’t already seen his junk [celebitchy] Elizabeth Hasselbeck will attempt to…
(Queen Liz declined to take a ride on Lady Gaga’s disco stick.) Photo via Gawker
Tom Cruise is living vicariously through Suri by dressing her up in a drag queen’s costume [more photos at dlisted] Lindsay Lohan tries to channel…
Is Zachary Quinto dating a male escort? [dlisted] Joseph Gordon-Levitt shows his manhood in a new shoot for GQ [socialite life] Beyonce gets 10 Grammy…