OMG, please vote: Fashion Webby
My friends at Refinery 29 have been nominated for a prestigious Webby award! Please go vote for them in the “Fashion” category to help them…
My friends at Refinery 29 have been nominated for a prestigious Webby award! Please go vote for them in the “Fashion” category to help them…
The LifeGem® is a certified, high-quality diamond created from the carbon of your loved one as a memorial to their unique life, or as a…
I could totally pull off this look, especially if I had some monkey bars like this girl. And no, this photo is not from the…
If you needed only one piece of evidence to prove that 1970 was a year for experimentation, here it is: fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld in…
Compare and contrast the two versions of Madonna on the May covers of American Elle (above) and Elle UK (below). Look at that thick rope…
Memorialize your pets with sweaters. That’s what this British couple did when their dogs passed away, and see how fabulous they look as a result!…
Are you ashamed of your plain white iPod earbuds? Do you want to stick out from the crowd? Do you want people to avoid looking…