OMG, dykes on dicks: What Lesbians Think About Penises
OK, first off, shouldn’t somebody arrest the lady with the perm who says “I’ve got three myself, in my drawer”? She’s ONE OF THOSE LESBIANS,…
OK, first off, shouldn’t somebody arrest the lady with the perm who says “I’ve got three myself, in my drawer”? She’s ONE OF THOSE LESBIANS,…
What would happen if all the animals in The Lion King got the ‘Angry Birds’ beach-ball-menagerie treatment? I love the spherical safari zebras, I’d like…
These Furby pop diva album cover remakes are FURBulous…all my favourite girls in fluffy beaky form [the other Furbettes are after the jump]. Furby always…
If i was a llama I’d totally get FIERCE UP IN HIERCE and lama-thwack those two-legged dumb-bums who kept taking photos of me and laughing…
I gagged on the kitten on the tortoise, like it doesn’t already look like walking from here to there is the slowest most tiresome thing…
With titles such as ‘Self-Portrait as Ivana Trump/Self-Portrait as An Artichoke in Ivana’s Hair Totally Looks Like An Artichoke by catlovre2008’ and ‘Self-portrait as Female…
Well if this was a lipsynch for their lives, and their drag-names were -like- say; ‘Princess Brown-plaid’ and ‘Sponge Bob Square Spice’, I know who’d…