OMG, they’re not Britney: The Grimes Twins
John and Edward Grimes performed the Britney Spears song “Oops! I Did It Again” for X Factor and overcame the general badness of the performance…
John and Edward Grimes performed the Britney Spears song “Oops! I Did It Again” for X Factor and overcame the general badness of the performance…
“The woman at my polling place asked me do I believe in equality for gay and lesbian people. I was pretty surprised to be asked…
Could Chuck Bass’s gay kiss on last night’s episode of Gossip Girl mean the TV character is inching toward the dickly tendencies of his counterpart…
Based on last week’s National Equality March, there’s only one thing that gays love more than big D’s, marriage, and equal rights: LADY GAGA. All…
Bobby Brown already tried to take away her dignity once, by turning her into a dancing crackhead with a reality show. Now he’s attempting to…
What do I want? A rich husband with a 10-inch D! When do I want it? NOW! So we went to the march and everything….
Who knew that Lady Gaga had time to be both a marcher for gay rights and the leader of the “Birther” movement? But seriously, can…