OMG, Get the Look: Liza has a fashion line!
Hey, Liza Minelli has a new line for HSN, and the clothes, like Mz. Minelli herself, are nuts! (Liza informs us that one of the…
Hey, Liza Minelli has a new line for HSN, and the clothes, like Mz. Minelli herself, are nuts! (Liza informs us that one of the…
Make fun of Cat Lassie all you want, but lets remember that when faced with crisis, Hamster Lassie just rolls over and dies for no…
In a boxers-or-briefs moment for our times, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan demurred on the all important Team Jacob or Team Edward question asked in…
The Log Cabin Republicans gave away these special Drill Baby Drill condoms at Twin Cities Pride, citing “the spirit of pride” as their inspiration: “This…
The latest track to be released from M.I.A.‘s third studio album /\/\/\Y/\ is a boozy banger called “Teqkilla” that will send “chivez” down your spine….
Wonder Woman is finally hanging up her star spangled panties and putting on some ladylike tights. The famous superheroine started her career in a little…
Season 3 of True Blood continues to deliver with another crazy episode that left me slack-jawed in suspense and also satisfied at seeing Ryan Kwanten‘s…