OMG, how creepy: Down mask

I just found my new party outfit! While the Parka Shop website says the masks are “ideal for mountain climbers, explorers, dog mushers, snowmobiling, military…

OMG, how ridiculous: Beyonce

Rich at Fourfour created this fantastic video montage called “The 10 Most Ridiculous Things About the Beyonce Experience.” I love number 5, the Fate Of…

OMG, how pervy: Spirit Airlines

I guess cheap fares weren’t enough. Now Spirit Airlines is appealing to the baser side of its customer base with its new M.I.L.F. (Many Islands,…

OMG, dumb dumb: Kellie Pickler

When I saw this video, I was shocked into silence by the sheer ignorance of former American Idol contestant Kellie Pickler during her appearance on…

OMG, how unsafe: Brooklyn

I’m sure living in Brooklyn isn’t really that scary, but the police blotter at The Brooklyn Paper is very long and colorful. All that crime…

OMG, how gay: Hilary Duff

Until now I thought Hilary Duff‘s music was only for nine year olds. There is, in fact, another key demographic. (via Graydon Sheppard)

OMG, how cute: Bulldog panda

Halloween is over, but I would like to believe that this adorable pug French bulldog wears his panda suit every day of the year! Look…