OMG, WATCH: Trump’s WASTED Economic Adviser slurs through disastrous interview
It’s FRIIIDAYYYY, baby! Time a drink or two, just like ole Larry Kudlow who went on Fox News to tell Americans that Donald Trump isn’t…
It’s FRIIIDAYYYY, baby! Time a drink or two, just like ole Larry Kudlow who went on Fox News to tell Americans that Donald Trump isn’t…
God works in mysterious ways, folks. Is Donald Trump the chosen one? Many people, including Donald Trump, are saying He is. It seems God’s gone…
Mmmm suck the doorknob off! So visual.
And he also makes a convincing case as to why healthcare is a human right, the minimum wage needs to be raised across the country,…
Brian Jordan Alvarez asks the question on everyone’s minds! Check out ‘Do Republicans in their 30s seem older than Liberals in their 30s?’ above!
When the historians look back they’re gonna see something very important took place right here. Check out Trump talking about his Twitter woes above! [via…
HULLO. Hullo – it’s the best of Melania Trump edited by none other than Vic Berger himself! Check out some of Melania’s most memorable moments…