OMG, Buy Them a Gift: Bristol and Levi’s Wal-Mart Wedding Registry
Happy couple and proud mommy and daddy Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston can’t wait to tie the old knot– and they also can’t wait for…
Happy couple and proud mommy and daddy Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston can’t wait to tie the old knot– and they also can’t wait for…
Well the plot thickens! Everyone’s favorite almost-second-daughter Bristol Palin has revealed that she’s creeping off to the igloo of to Levi Johnston, her hockey-playing, Playgirl-posing,…
Someone alert Dink Flamingo! The U.S. military has revealed that it’s seriously considering separate barracks and showers for gay soldiers, if and when they actually…
Listen, this man needs to stay on the market long enough for me to rush to Argentina and propose to him myself. We can legalize…
Good news: the Defense of Marriage Act was ruled unconstitutional by a Boston judge yesterday! You might remember DOMA as the nonsenisal Clinton-era law that…
In a boxers-or-briefs moment for our times, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan demurred on the all important Team Jacob or Team Edward question asked in…
The Log Cabin Republicans gave away these special Drill Baby Drill condoms at Twin Cities Pride, citing “the spirit of pride” as their inspiration: “This…