OMG gossip: When Tom Ford first kissed a man (and more)
Designer Tom Ford dishes on his first blowjob and why Yves Saint Laurent was “evil” in a juicy new interview [the advocate] New Yorkers: Please…
Designer Tom Ford dishes on his first blowjob and why Yves Saint Laurent was “evil” in a juicy new interview [the advocate] New Yorkers: Please…
Andre Agassi frequently played tennis while high on meth, he reveals in his new memoir [popeater] How does Lance Bass have yet another hot boyfriend?…
Pamela Anderson walks the runway at Vivienne Westwood [busy bee] Chris Brown is charged with two felonies [fcf] M.I.A. has named her unborn baby “Ickitt”…
Fox wants to remake Absolutely Fabulous into something absolutely terrible [dlisted] Ugly Betty to be replaced by the new Christina Applegate sitcom? Impossible. [just jared]…
Sluts always seem to be having a better time than the rest of us, but I sometimes think that it’s all just an act. However,…
I usually find the girls at Go Fug Yourself pretty amusing, if a little bit indiscriminating, but this time they have stepped over the line….