OMG, How Ridiculous: Dance Your Ass Off
Have you heard about this show called Dance Your Ass Off? It’s about fat people jiggling and jiving in tutus and leotards and I almost…
Have you heard about this show called Dance Your Ass Off? It’s about fat people jiggling and jiving in tutus and leotards and I almost…
A big part of watching any of Bravo’s Real Housewife programs is sitting there thinking how the f*ck do these trashy people who don’t really…
After the success of Drag Race, RuPaul’s back with yet another reality show for logo– and this time it’s a show about straight people! On…
Golden Girl Rue McLanahan died this morning at 1 a.m. after suffering a massive stroke. She was 76. Betty White is now the only remaining…
Nostalgia alert! The Thundercats are making their triumphant return, in a new cartoon to run on the Cartoon Network next year. The above image is…
From her mysterious Fortress of Gum Berries in the land of Unicorns, Cartwheels and Lollipop Fun, the completely sane Real Housewife Kelly Killoren Bensimon has…
Let’s hope he is now moving to the beat of his own special groove. [TMZ]