OMG, how hilarious: Auto-replace
When the American Family Association posts AP news articles in on its site, they replace all instances of the word “gay” with “homosexual,” presumably to…
When the American Family Association posts AP news articles in on its site, they replace all instances of the word “gay” with “homosexual,” presumably to… – Watch more free videos What would you do if some dude you met on the street left you messages like these? The back…
Poor old Bob can’t believe that stupidity was rewarded yet again. Via GIFTED THOUGHTS
Do you lay awake at night worrying that when Jesus returns to Earth and takes only the good Christians back to the Kingdom of Heaven,…
Seeing this Rachael Ray back tattoo makes me want to open a cream of mushroom soup all over this girl (that’s my new euphemism for…
Monica Conyers, who is President Pro-tem of the Detroit City Council and also wife of Congressman John Conyers, needs to sharpen her debating skills, though…
“What’s this benefit for again? Burping? Just kidding. I wrote my whole thesis on Burma.” This is so stupid it’s offensive. Kim should stick to…