OMG, :( :( :( :( :(
Well last night completely f*cking sucked. The Bloomberg crap was obviously no surprise and his margin of victory was actually way smaller than I think…
Well last night completely f*cking sucked. The Bloomberg crap was obviously no surprise and his margin of victory was actually way smaller than I think…
Of all the terrible things George W. Bush has inflicted on the United States (and the world!) I almost want to say that this tie…
Who knew that Lady Gaga had time to be both a marcher for gay rights and the leader of the “Birther” movement? But seriously, can…
I’ll be posting my report from yesterday’s National Equality March later today, but for now check out Our Lady of the Gaga’s important and historic…
So this weekend is the big gay march, and i hope you’re going. If you know of any good parties, please send the invites my…
Who knew that every time you eat a cupcake you are actually murdering a doctor who performs abortions!? Well good for you! Conversely, every time…
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!! Are you sick of Levi Johnston yet? I know, you’re like, “Who? Remind me again?” Reminder: Levi Johnston is the shameless Alaskan…