OMG, How Useful: Be BullySmart
I know I posted something from Everything is Terrible just yesterday, but this video with helpful tips for avoiding bullies is too important for you…
I know I posted something from Everything is Terrible just yesterday, but this video with helpful tips for avoiding bullies is too important for you…
Great news for everyone in need of a little help down there: Calvin Klein is now selling special rocket-enhancing jeans for men! The new Body…
Star Trek alum George Takei and Brad Althouse, husbands of 1 year and boyfriends of 20, won the Newlywed Game. I know, I had no…
Hey, I think I found my Halloween costume! Via Urlesque.
I’ll be posting my report from yesterday’s National Equality March later today, but for now check out Our Lady of the Gaga’s important and historic…
So this weekend is the big gay march, and i hope you’re going. If you know of any good parties, please send the invites my…
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!! Are you sick of Levi Johnston yet? I know, you’re like, “Who? Remind me again?” Reminder: Levi Johnston is the shameless Alaskan…