OMG, he’s naked: Wesley Snipes and Jsu Garcia
Wesley Snipes and Jsu Garcia hide their shame under football helmets in the movie Wildcats before giving us a flash of the goods. If Wesley’s…
Wesley Snipes and Jsu Garcia hide their shame under football helmets in the movie Wildcats before giving us a flash of the goods. If Wesley’s…
A new Republican conspiracy theory has emerged basically stating that health care reform is a secret plot to kill old people and comparing Obama to…
Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale get in a sissy fight. Which bitch has the fiercer slap? [socialite life] Kid Rock thinks Twitter is ‘gay’ (as…
French actor Jocelyn Quivrin gets us quivering in a scene from Rastignac ou les ambitieux. See the NSFW French bits after the jump.
This big fat baby loves cuddling with his mommy! Be warned, wombats are wild animals, and this lady is obviously trained in animal hypnosis or…
The cosmetic tanning industry in the UK is getting slapped with regulations due to cancer concerns: A report by Dr Fatiha El Ghissassi and colleagues…
Former MTV VJ turned ironic rapper turned Larry David aspirant Simon Rex spoke with !! omg blog !! a few nights ago about his new…