!! Music !!

OMG, how gymnastic: Xtina’s voice

For the Christina Aguilera connoisseur, this is a video compilation of her greatest high-note-singing moments. At six minutes long, it’s obvious this video was made…

OMG, how 80s: Cut Copy

Unapologetically retro band Cut Copy has made a cute video for their song “Saturdays.” These guys are from Melbourne Australia but tour internationally, unlike Toni…

OMG, how musical: Toni Collette

Toni Collette is one of my heroes simply for her two performances in Clockwatchers and Muriel’s Wedding, and the latter even gave us a glimpse…

Meet The Rapture

Having just come off a North American tour promoting their new album “Pieces of the People We Love,” New York indie-dance pioneers The Rapture are…