OMG, I’m not here to make friends
Rich at Fourfour has created a magnum opus with this video montage created from all those reality television moments of maverick frustration that result in…
Rich at Fourfour has created a magnum opus with this video montage created from all those reality television moments of maverick frustration that result in…
The Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law just released the results of a new study [download PDF] that shows legalizing gay marriage was…
Do you lay awake at night worrying that when Jesus returns to Earth and takes only the good Christians back to the Kingdom of Heaven,…
Seeing this Rachael Ray back tattoo makes me want to open a cream of mushroom soup all over this girl (that’s my new euphemism for…
Keepin’ it local. (via Graydon Sheppard)
Disco queen/model/gay icon/probably-trannie Amanda Lear has reinvented herself several times over the decades, but who knew she reinvented the entire alphabet? “Because time goes on…
The shopping cart, and I don’t mean the online kind, was not yet invented when John McCain was born. This makes him very old, which…